
Let me kick it like its 1986
Let me kick it like its 1986

let me kick it like its 1986

Something else he wasn’t sure he would see? A Boston World Series. He barely saw that ball coming and, decades later, he wasn’t sure if he’d see the next close call coming either. Grandpa loved to tell the story of how one year Ted Williams hit a line drive that rocketed into the section and off the railing that was right in front of his seat. With the seats in the third-base grandstand, it started to feel dangerous to him. I remember going to Game 1 of the 1988 ALCS and, along with my grandfather, heckling Jose Canseco from the bleachers because of reporting that had just surfaced regarding his potential use of steroids.Īnd if you are wondering, it was my mom and my aunt at Game 6 in 1975.Įventually my grandfather decided to give up the tickets because as he aged, getting to Fenway was tougher and tougher, and his eyesight was not what it once was. I remember skipping school and going to Game 2 of the 1986 ALCS with my mom.

let me kick it like its 1986

You name an important game in Red Sox history, and someone from our family was there. When my grandfather, Ray Paradiso, came back to Massachusetts after serving his adopted country in World War II he did two things shortly thereafter.īoth were in our lives as a family for decades. Argentina, Argentina is the world champion.” Lionel Scaloni’s Argentine selection is the world champion. ARGENTINA IS THE WORLD CHAMPION! ARGENTINA IS THE WORLD CHAMPION! ARGENTINA IS THE WORLD CHAMPION! Argentina! Is the world champion! From the sky they did it.

let me kick it like its 1986

“GOOOOOOAL, Argentina is the champion,” Cantor said, translated to English. from Buenos Aires as a teenager, calls Argentina winning the World Cup: /4PougSj1g7- luffy December 18, 2022

Let me kick it like its 1986